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August 6, 2019

CMIA San Diego July 16 meeting

Conquest (Merry X-Ray) provided GE Ultrasound training; specializing in troubleshooting, diagnostics and repair of the Logiq/Vivid E9 Ultrasound unit.

May 27, 2019

2019 AAMI & GE Healthcare BMET of the Year Award

This year's award is presented to Jovito Gonzales, who is described by his peers as a “compassionate and dedicated leader” and “a highly skilled technician.” Gonzales was instrumental in the launch of a new 253 bed medical center…

November 27, 2018

Eddie Acosta Passed Away

It is with great sadness that I inform you, of the passing of Eddie Acosta. Eddie passed away on Sunday, November 25th. Eddie was the Chairman of the Board of the CMIA when I was…

April 26, 2018

SoCal BMET Spring Gathering

Bring a dish and come have fun! This Saturday at MCRD Marina. All BMETs are welcome! The Get2gether/potluck will be held this Saturday at MCRD Marina from 1000-1600. We will be playing basketball, volleyball and horseshoes! We have military BMETs coming from Port…

February 19, 2018

First Meeting of 2018 Re-Cap

Thank you to all those who came out and participated in the first meeting of the year for CMIA SD 2018. A very special thanks to Jim Rizzo (GE), Christine Limberakis (Philips), and Steve…

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