2024 CMIA Connect Exhibitor Early Bird Reservation is Open
Reserve Your Spot We are proud to announce the California Medical Instrumentation Association will be hosting the 2024 CMIA Connect in Orange County Place a deposit on Connect 2024 Event space – $500 (applied to reservations made before the 2024…
Register for MD Expo in Houston ,TX
MD Expo strives to provide healthcare technology management professionals with a unique, intimate and rewarding conference second to none. Clinical engineers, biomedical technicians, directors and managers, procurement/asset managers and others responsible for medical technology will gather in a one-of-a-kind…
Photos from CMIA Connect 2022
Thank you to our sponsors, speakers and members for supporting the CMIA Connect Educational Conference. CMIA Connect Photos
Congratulations to all of the 2022 Frank Yip Scholarship Winners
Frank Yip Scholarship Winners: Jeremy Coker Mira Costa Technology Career Institute; Carlsbad, CA Major: BioMed Certificate
Jenn Nichols Awarded the 2022 Professional of the Year
Congratulations to Jenn Nichols for winning the 2022 Professional of the Year award at this year's CMIA Connect! Jenn has demonstrated her tenacity, dedication, and desire to be a leader in the HTM industry. Jenn has proven to be a…
Congratulations to Dave Heiselt for Becoming a CMIA Lifetime Member
Dave and his wife and business partner, Karie, are part of our vital support network. They provide us with metrology services that allow us to check our equipment properly and safely. They provide us with training, equipment, and custom…
Congratulations to Karie Heiselt for Becoming a CMIA Lifetime Member
Together with her husband and business partner, Dave, the duo is a powerhouse within CMIA, presenting, sponsoring, giving their time, money, and company resources to ALL the chapters. They encourage their employees to get involved in the chapters of…
Congratulations to Dave Stiles for Becoming a CMIA Lifetime Member
Dave has been a mentor to so many biomeds by his leadership in CMIA and getting biomeds to attend the OC Chapter meetings. One Year Dave personally loaded up his SUV with toys from our Christmas party and distributed…
CMIA Members Attend MD Expo SoCal Free
CMIA members can attend MD Expo's SoCal event free with the VIP code 22MDE—CMIA Join us at the Pechanga Casino & Resort in Temecula, CA for education, networking and lots of fun! Nestled…