2024 Inland Empire kick off.
Bowling, Networking, and more... On March 28th, 2024, we are planning to host a bowling fundraising event. At this event, we would network, teach, learn, and raise money by peer-to-peer fundraising to make our community stronger. Please join us March…
Congratulations to Dave Heiselt for Becoming a CMIA Lifetime Member
Dave and his wife and business partner, Karie, are part of our vital support network. They provide us with metrology services that allow us to check our equipment properly and safely. They provide us with training, equipment, and custom…
AAMI New Certification for Entry Level Biomeds!
CABT Certification: AAMI has created the Certified Associate in Biomedical Technology (CABT), a new type of certification aimed at professionals considering or just starting a career in HTM. By passing a test for this certification, candidates can prove that…
Inland Chapter’s April 16th Virtual Meeting Was a Success
We had 42 participants, show up for our virtual meeting! This opens a door for more online meetings. We had a great panel discussion. If you missed the meeting, you can watch the video.
Subscribe to Inland Empire News & Events
Jose Zambrano Awarded the 2019 Professional of the Year
Congratulations to Jose Zambrano for winning the 2019 Professional of the Year award!
Inland Empire 2020 Officer’s Letter
California Medical Instrumentation Association Inland Empire 2020 2020 has arrived and the IE Chapter of CMIA would like to announce the tentative plan for the year. The IE Chapter has had proven success in the past and…
Fun Times at the Inland Empire Ugly Sweater Party
We all had a great time and a good turn out for our End of the Year Party Thank you, MMS for sponsoring us!
Inland Empire September 2019 Chapter Meeting
The event was hosted at La Sierra University School of Business and presented by Mindray on September 18. The presentation was: Introduction to Anesthesia Machines and their Preventive Maintenance.
Introduction to Anesthesia Machines and their Preventive Maintenance Chapter Meeting.
Our chapter meeting on anesthesia machines and their preventive maintenance presented by Mindray was very informative. Thank you to La Sierra University School of Business for providing the venue. View…
CMIE Inland Empire July Chapter Meeting
We had a very successful Chapter Meeting with a presentation by Medigate on July 10, 2019