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For the first time, AAMI will offer an online review course to help biomedical equipment technicians (BMETs) prepare for the exam to become certified biomedical equipment technicians (CBETs).

The four-week online CBET Study Course covers all six areas of the CBET exam, providing participants with a highly respected instructor and the tools to help them succeed.

“The feedback we’ve received is that a common obstacle for those considering certification has been a lack of preparation materials for the certification exam,” said MJ McLaughlin, program manager for certification at AAMI. “We heard you. With this course, AAMI intends to offer the best resources in the country to help prepare eligible candidates for the CBET exam.”

The CBET Study Course consists of eight two-hour interactive online sessions, held in the evening twice each week. Each module concludes with a practice exam to help familiarize participants with the exam format. The modules are based on the topic areas of the CBET exam, including:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Public safety in the healthcare facility
  • Fundamentals of electricity and electronics
  • Healthcare technology and function
  • Healthcare technology problem solving
  • Healthcare information technology
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Join the 8 session CBET Study Course that will be held every Monday and Wednesday evening from 7:00PM-9:00PM Eastern starting Monday, April 6th and ending Wednesday, April 29th. These intensive online sessions will cover each area of the CBET exam outline, including anatomy and physiology; public safety in the healthcare facility; fundamentals of electricity and electronics; healthcare technology and function; healthcare technology problem-solving; and healthcare information technology.

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