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Nick’s resume describes him as “A technical manager with more than 20 years’ experience in the maintenance, application, selection and purchasing of sophisticated bio-medical equipment.” In reality, he is much more than that. Since 1996 he has been the Director of Biomedical Engineering at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, in Valencia, California.

His responsibilities include twenty-five outside facilities, besides the hospital. He developed the role of Asset Manager for the Clinical Engineering department at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, saving more than $200,000 by analyzing and eliminating unnecessary service contracts and took on this same role at his present hospital. He developed a pre-purchase questionnaire for determining the true and future cost of ownership of equipment and presented that document at a CMIA meeting.

He developed the Capital Equipment policy which includes key elements that need to be addressed in a proposal. He serves on a number of committees to improve the operations of the organization as well as written many house-wide policies. He was assigned the role of Secretary of Record for the Environment of Care committee and made responsible for gathering and preparing the quarterly and annual reports.

He was at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California from 1972-1996. During this period, he worked his way from an entry level Biomedical Technician I, to a Biomedical Technician II, Installation Coordinator, Department Coordinator, to become the Director of Clinical Engineering at the 1,200-bed acute care facility with a department of 15 biomedical technicians overseeing 6,800 devices. During this time he made many improvements within the department, while living through the merger of Cedars of Lebanon and Mount Sinai Hospitals.

Before that he spent some time as a Bench Technician for Space Labs, Inc., in Northridge, California, where he tested, calibrated and repaired patient monitors and recorders.

He was an active member at the Los Angeles Valley College Biomedical Advisory Committee in their effort to revitalize the Biomedical education program. He co-authored the student hospital internship program. He also team-taught the first class. He received “Outstanding Services to Los Angeles Valley College” award for participation on their Physics/Electronics Advisory Committee in 1990 and 1991.

He is an avid cyclist and over the last 15 years has participated in a number of fundraiser rides for various foundations. He also enjoys riding his new motorcycle and has already participated in several fundraiser rides for several charities.

He earned an Associate of Science Degree in 1971 from Los Angeles Valley College, in Van Nuys, California, and was a Business Administration Major at California State University, Northridge in Northridge, California.

He holds Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician (CBET) certificate #3753.

Nick wrote “A Management Tool for Tracking Your Budgeted Dollars,” which was printed in Biomedical Technology Today, Vol. 1, No. 6, November-December 1986. He presented it to the California Society for Hospital Engineering in 1987.

He is an FCC Ham Operator.

He served as President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the CMIA in 2000, 2001 and 2003, and served on the State Board of Directors in 2002.

As the winner of this award, he received an award of $1,000 from Welch Allyn, an engraved plaque, and will be nominated for one of the AAMI annual awards.

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