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We at International Diagnostic Equipment are looking for a Technically inclined Individual to join our Team as a Laboratory Maintenance Technician/Technician Assistant. We need someone with charisma and good communication skills, but also driven and focused on completing the task at hand to the best of their abilities and to the standards that IDE has set.
(We offer Training, must be fast learner.)
Work Ethics
Weekly Reports
Theory of operation
Previous Technician Experience Preferred 
Electronic Engineering 
Lab Technician experience preferred
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Bi-Lingual is a Plus
Extreme Attention to DetailsExperience with any of the following equipment/Manufacturers preferred:Abbott Architect C and i series Chemistry and immunoassay analyzers

Abbott Cell Dyn Hematology

Beckman Olympus AU 400, AU600, AU 5400 and AU5800 Chemistry

Beckman DXH, Access II and DXI Hematology and Immunoassay

Roche Cobas CE Clinical chemistry and Immuno, Roche Molecular

Agilent, Shimadzu, Thermo, AB Sciex etc.

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