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If you can’t find your answer in the FAQ’s – then please submit a support request with DETAILS of your issue.

  • How long does my CMIA Membership last?

    All memberships are valid for a one year period from date of purchase.

    If you renew prior to your to expiry date, your membership will be renewed at the expiry date. (i.e. membership expires on Sept 30, but you renew on Aug 15th, your membership expiry will be Sept 30 next year.)

  • How do I login?
    1. You must be a CMIA member to have login privileges.
    2. Login is located at the top right side corner.
    3. Your username is your email address.
    4. If you forgot your password, use the ‘Lost Password link.
  • Why doesn’t my login work?

    If you had a login on the ‘old’ CMIA website – it will no longer work on this website. When CMIA transitioned to this new system, for security reasons, a decision was made to allow all users to ‘register’ again. To register and renew your registration, please visit the registration page.

    If you registered for membership after April 1, 2019, your email address should allow you to login.

    If you’re not sure if you are registered on this website, you can always try the ‘Lost Password’ functionality on the login page.

  • I’m locked out – what do I do?

    After too many (unsuccessful) login attempts, our firewall will block you for ten minutes. All you can do is wait.

    And perhaps use this time to use the “lost password” function on the login page to reset your password.

  • How do I manage my ad postings?

    This answer can only be viewed by logged-in CMIA Members with up-to-date memberships and the correct privileges.

    If you already have a membership or need to renew, please log in. Otherwise, please visit our Membership Information page for details on how to register.

  • How do I add a job posting?
    1. You must be a Corporate Member, if not, then Join Now!
    2. Go to the Job Advertising page and login.
    3. All job postings will need to be approved before being made active on the website. Typical approval time is less than two business days.
    4. If you still have questions (or problems), please complete the support form.
  • How do I submit our ‘designed’ banner ad?

    To avoid our website from becoming too ‘promotional’, CMIA has a standard advertising format that all Website Advertising must follow. Upon successful payment, you will be emailed a link where you can create and publish your ad.

    Your ad may consist of the following; company logo, company positioning statement or call-out, website link and an image for Vertical ads. The various ad components are displayed on the Website Advertising page.

    All ads must be approved before being made active on the website.

  • Can I advertise on this website?

    Only CMIA Corporate Members may advertise on this website.

    Corporate Membership is for business organizations which manufacture, sell or service medical instruments or other products or services used in conjunction with medical instrumentation.

    To promote your products or services to our membership, Join Now!

  • How do I download my Chapter Membership Report?

    You must be a paid member and Chapter President, Vice President or Treasurer.
    Log into your account.
    After login, under the (top right) ‘My Membership’ drop-down menu, you will see a section, ‘How to Videos’, and a ‘How To Export Member list’ video, and a link in the ‘notes’ to the backend dashboard.

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