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We will close out our 2020 with a great HTM Professional Development presentation with Don Armstrong. His AAMI blog is now a live interactive class. Join us, listen and be inspired to develop your own path. We will have a chapter meeting after the presentation.

Please join Byron Webster and the IE Chapter for “Be Like Mike” a scheduled RingCentral meeting. December 9th, 2020 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap:

+1(623)4049000,,7543162876# (US West)
+1(720)9027700,,7543162876# (US Central)
+1(773)2319226,,7543162876# (US North)
+1(469)4450100,,7543162876# (US South)
+1(470)8692200,,7543162876# (US East)

How to Use Ringcentral

Or Telephone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

+1(623)4049000 (US West)
+1(720)9027700 (US Central)
+1(773)2319226 (US North)
+1(469)4450100 (US South)
+1(470)8692200 (US East)

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