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December 6, 2018

Husband-Wife Team Promote Future of HTM

Tech World: A Passion for Promoting the HTM Field in California Mimi and Tony Lively—a spousal team—share ownership of a company, a passion for healthcare technology management (HTM), and the business acumen to get things done. Over the past…

October 11, 2018

2018 Bay Area Calendar

LAST EVENTS FOR 2018! October 17 – Chapter meeting hosted by Pacific Medical December 9 – CMIA NorCal & Bay Area Chapters Holiday Party

August 6, 2018

CMIA Education Opportunity

In Nobel Room SATURDAY August 25th - ALL DAY EVENT and Lunch will be served. Located at Scripps Memorial La Jolla 9890 Genesee Ave. IN NOBLE ROOM

April 5, 2018

Conquest Imaging Announces Portable Depot Repair at MDExpo

Flat Rate Pricing Provides Simple Solution Stockton, CA, April 4, 2018 – Conquest Imaging, a leading provider of ultrasound parts, probes and service today announces the expansion of their capabilities to support the portable ultrasound needs of the…

February 6, 2018

OC Chapter Meeting February, 20th 2018

Co2 Monitoring with Nihon Kohden Please join us at Nihon Kohden's Irvine facility and learn about Co2 monitoring from the manufacturer. Where: Nihon Kohden - 15353 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 Presenter and Sponsor - Nihon Kohden…

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