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The exercise of staffing a clinical engineering department begins with the development of job descriptions, job titles, pay scales, and certification requirements (Pacela and rush, 1993; Dyro, 1989 a,b). Based on the job description, clinical engineering managers/directors must determine the qualifications and experiences required for the position.

The mix and quantities of employees must be derived from the clinical engineering department’s responsibilities. Typical clinical engineering departments employ clinical engineers (CEs), biomedical equipment technicians (BMETs), and administrative support staff.

Job descriptions clarify what an employee is responsible for and what is expected of them. Preparing a thorough, complete job description is a critical first step in the selection process. The job description provides potential candidates with a clear description and main objective of a position and assists them in determining if they can perform the duties of the position.

Job Titles & Sample Job Descriptions

Engineer's Titles:

  • Bio-engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Clinical Engineer
  • Equipment Engineer
  • Healthcare Engineer
  • Medical Engineer

Technicians Titles:

  • Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET)
  •  Biomedical Technician
  • Certified Biomedical Equipment Technicians (CBET)
  • Medical Equipment Repairer
  • Medical Technician

Specialists Titles:

  • Hemodialysis Specialists
  • Laboratory Equipment Specialists (CLES)
  • Radiology Equipment Specialists (CRES)

Supervisor Titles:

  • Biomedical Chief
  • Biomedical Engineering Supervisor
  • Biomedical Specialist Supervisor
  • Clinical Engineering Supervisor
  • Team Leader

Purposes for Job Descriptions

What are the Uses of a Job Description?

  • Identifies duties of positions
  • Organizes work efficiently enabling supervisors to better control workload
  • Assists in identifying employee training needs
  • Assists in evaluating and defining employee performance and expectations
  • Serves as a recruitment tool
  • Avoids potential out-of-class situations
  • Provides a defensible tool when documenting employee performance issues
  • Provides a reliable foundation for position evaluation when faced with issues such as reasonable accommodation, limited duty, workers compensation, fitness for duty and disability retirement.

Job Description

After identifying the required staff structure, you need to create the required job description for each job in the department. The job descriptions are written statements that describe the following:

  • Position title,
  • Position Supervisor title,
  • Duties& Responsibilities,
  • Most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position,
  • Required qualifications & experiences,
  • Reporting relationship and coworkers of a particular job.

Essential and Non-Essential Functions

What is the Difference between Essential and Non-Essential Functions? Some job description state essential and nonessential (preferred) functions that a job may requires. These essential functions are must met while the other preferred to meet.

Essential Functions:

  • The position exists to perform the function(s)
  • Essential functions are the primary reason the position exists
  • Duties are basic, necessary, and an integral part of the job
  • There are a limited number of other employees available to perform the function, or among whom the function can be distributed
  • The function is highly specialized, and the person in the position was hired for special expertise and ability to perform it.

Non-Essential Functions:

  • Non-essential functions are not essential as defined above
  • Non-essential functions are the additional duties
  • The function is incidental or a minimal part of the job
  • Marginal functions can be redistributed among other staff.

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