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The California Medical Instrumentation Association

Professions span the gamut of Biomedical Equipment Technicians (BMET) to Biomedical or Clinical Engineers (BME or CE) and their management.

The CMIA’s major instruments for achieving these goals are monthly chapter meetings, the annual awards banquet and technical workshop and this web site.

As the area of medical instrumentation grew, those working in the field became more conscious of a need for improved communication and contact with our peers.

National organizations provide journals, newsletters and annual conventions. However, this does not fulfill the need for frequent personal contact or a guide to solving everyday problems. Such needs can only be met by a local organization.

Thus, in 1972 the California Medical Instrumentation Association was founded and incorporated in 1992. The CMIA is a thriving state wide non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the biomedical community and profession through eight local chapters.

We Achieve Our Goals By:

Assisting Students

Maintaining a close supportive relationship with biomedical technology programs at our community colleges. Assisting students through CMIA and manufacturer supported annual scholarship Awards. For example, through the Frank Yip Scholarship Award.

Certification Process

Support of the ICC Certification process for biomedical engineering technicians.

Professional Development

Ongoing education of members through technology-oriented presentations at our annual workshop and regularly scheduled chapter meetings.

Chapter Meetings

  • discuss subjects of mutual interest
  • sharing personal experiences with vendors products
  • improve equipment maintenance methodology hear
  • about most recent local JCAHO Hospital Accreditation process
  • networking with your peers and vendors
  • hearing about vendors latest and greatest technologies and accomplishments.

Board Advisory Council

The Board Advisory Council, a group of very senior Biomeds to guide the direction of the organization.

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